The history of city planning in the United States

The history of city planning in the United States

The roots of urban planning in the United States are from Western Europe. The Division of plots in cartography into certain measurements tend to use a chess board, especially in the early period of American society, except for tread-the tread pattern that demands another. This caused due to a massive in vans Europeans in particularized Kingdom mainland America during of the age of industrialization.This is clear from the pattern of the city more leads with Grid pattern leads to the concept of a green city. In addition, at the beginning of the planning of any American is already capable of producing a successful program. This is because immigrants have learned from experience industrialization which led to the decline of quality the environment. Planning in the United States since 1945 In the post-war period, United had a system of planning agencies and the size of the complicated planning. The planning agencies work at two different levels: first,the level of national economic development planning/regional; and second, the level of physical development planning regional/local. The issue of economic development of the United States The economic development issues facing America is relative poverty – compared to the standard of world poverty, poor people in America are better perceived the situation – because the American society has its own default. This poverty occurs in two scales: first, second, and regional level local level. The United States economic development tools Until the 1960s, the economic development tool in America conducted by the local government, although the policy of the Central Government. To address the issue of economic development, the Government instituted Administrative bodies such as the regional development (1961) and the economic development Administration (1965) to discuss the problem of unemployment and income.

New Urbanism and smart growth in the United States Smart growth is the mantra of the 1990s America. planning starts with a simple way in the early 1970s, with program planning and management of growth. Among the new urban argues that for a sustainable city, in contrast with the city park or new town: a human-scale design and can be run, with a variety of land use and public spaces. Smart growth also suggested that there should be control of negative growth, especially in the growth of the city: the line which limits the metropolis based on the capacity of the land to give a home to the population growth. 

The principle of planning in the United States Planning Activities Urban planning in the United States involved in 5 key areas of activity: 

1. The preparation and revision of comprehensive planning and zoning 

2. Assessment of the impact of development on the environment of nature 

3. Rehabilitation and preservation 

4. quantitative and qualitative Modeling using information systems planning 

5. program implementation Preparation and Revision of Comprehensive planning and Zoning The 

the first event in the planning in America is not much different from planning in Indonesia because of the country Indonesia almost the entire system planning in America year after year with little change in the science that is adapted to the existing conditions in Indonesia both in terms of culture as well as economic and social politics of Indonesia. The first stage of planning is the preparation that includes all forms of survey and data retrieval for analysis of material or revising the planning that has run in a comprehensive way and usually based zoning. The study of the impact of development on the environment of nature The next activity is the study of the impact of development on the environment in terms of any form of development policy which is both physical and non-physical environmental impact will be reviewed in Rehabilitation and preservation After the construction in progress is carried out then the rehab program against the physical buildings have been built that are still eligible for the use and preservation of the physical development so that the program could still reach the target time limit which has been specified. Quantitative and qualitative modeling using information systems planning One of the things that is an innovation of the planning in the United States is in quantitative and qualitative modeling using technology-based planning information system where the public can check directly through the virtual world of the form the form of a Government planning projections, development planning, physical development planning, building or area of the model to the polls via the virtual world. But the Government still has not left the conservative way by holding a direct dissemination and direct face to face with the public who will be subject to the policy. Program execution Program execution is a form of action of all actors concerned.

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